


The ASFO is a branch of the International Observatory of Sustainable Finance.

The ASFO, introduced at the Second AFN Sustainable Finance Meetings on May 10-11, 2024 in Sfax, Tunisia, aims to provide the public and private sectors with innovative ESG tools to measure the sustainable performance of African companies.

The ASFO is a think tank with the following objectives:

  • Monitoring and encouraging sustainable finance practices within Maghreb and African financial institutions through exchanges and research meetings with representatives of the financial profession.
  • Contributing to public debate on sustainable finance practices by seeking expert opinions and drafting policy briefs and articles, disseminated notably through a partnership with the African Finance Network (AFN),

  • Promoting academic research in Africa on sustainable finance, facilitated by the partnership with the AFN and the scientific journal African Finance for Development Review (AFDR).,

  • Developing, testing, and implementing sustainable finance indices to monitor practices aligned with sustainable finance principles.